Additional Information

  • Year Established: 1986
  • Categories: Industrial Products, Office Cleaning
  • Products: Chemical Cleaning Products, Industrial Degreasers, Industrial Degassing, Industrial Scale Removers, JPX Refinery Hydrocarbon Decontamination, JPX-E Refinery Hydrocarbon Decontamination + H2S Scavenger, JPX-EE Refinery Pyrophoric Remover, JPX-F Fin Fan Foam Cleaning, Energy Plus Red (EPR) Industrial Degreaser and General Purpose Cleaner, Energy Plus General Degreaser, Clean Air Certified & Biodegradable, Powerwash for Fin Fan Foam Cleaning and Steam Cleaning, JP-Pine Pine Deodorant Cleaner and Industrial Pine Soap, Struvite Remover JPSR, Industrial Descaler and Scale Remover JPSR, Struvite Prevention, JP-Scavenger Hydrogen Sulfide & H2S Scavenger, JP-D Industrial Deodorizer for Industrial Odor Control, Conntect 5000 Gas Turbine Compressor Blade Cleaner, Conntect 6000 Gas Turbine Compressor Blade Cleaner-Low Foam, Conntect 7000 On-Line and Off-Line Gas Turbine Compressor Blade Cleaner, Microblaze Spill Control for Spill Response & Containment, Refinery Turnaround Planning and Refinery Turnaround Services, Petrochemical Services and Planning for Turnarounds, Chemical Blending and Toll Blending Services, Industrial Chemical Foamers, Industrial Portable Fogger and Chemical Mister Systems, Boiler Cleaning and Furnace Cleaning, Crude Oil Storage Tank Cleaning, Bulk & Wholesale Gloves and PPE

About Us

  • Manufacturer of Environmentally Friendly Chemical Cleaning Products. Jayne Products has over a 35-year history of providing environmentally compliant cleaners and degreasers for high-volume industrial users. Conveniently located in Carson, California, we are a low-overhead/high-volume capacity operation that provides the highest quality standard and customized products at a minimum cost. We have a laboratory that performs comprehensive product development and testing to ensure that all of our products meet both our quality standards and the customers' needs. Manufacturer of Environmentally Friendly Chemical Cleaners including Industrial Degreasers, Industrial Descalers, Refinery Decontamination for Turnarounds and Shutdowns with Vapor Phase Cleaning, Industrial Deodorizers, and other cleaners. We also offer disposable gloves, sanitizer, foamers, pumps, misters, and other equipment. Jayne Products also offers technical support, planning, and services with chemicals for petrochemical, wastewater, and many other industries.