Additional Information

  • Categories: Foundation Contractors, Paving Contractors, Concrete Contractors
  • Services: Paving Services, Masonry Services, Decorative Paving and Concrete, Chimney Services, Cobblestone Driveways, Stone and Brick Walls, Patios and Decks, Paving Companies, Paving Contractors, Local Masonry Contractors, Masonry Companies, Stamped Asphalt Contractors, Stamped Concrete, Chimney Contractor, Cobblestone Contractors, Stone Masonry Construction, Brick Wall Construction, Deck Installation, Patio Installation, Patio Masonry
  • Specialties: Masonry, Decks, Patios

About Us

  • Jacob Stone and Masonry is a family-owned company founded in Fall River, MA in 2006. We proudly serve areas of Massachusetts and Rhode Island such as Fall River, MA, Somerset, MA, Rehoboth, MA, Tiverton, RI, Newport, RI, Providence, RI, Cranston, RI, and Warwick, RI. Our services include paving services, masonry services, chimney services, stamped paving, stamped concrete, brick walls, stone walls, decks, patios, and cobblestone driveways. The professionals at Jacob Stone and Masonry have the skills and expertise to ensure high quality and customer satisfaction. Give us a call today so we can get started with your free estimate!