About Us

  • When your office is located in a small town, you tend to look at client relationships differently. Walk through our offices and you'll see that we've earned our fair share of industry accolades. But a closer look will reveal the things we truly treasure. Like little league pictures proudly displayed in our bookcases ... pictures of community gatherings...and of course Drew's most prized possession of all, his Eagle Scout and Boy Scout leader certifications. We value our clients ...because we value PEOPLE. After nearly 35 years in practice, we've learned that nothing is more important than the quality of each client relationship we build. The more we understand you and your case, the more precisely we are able to channel our actions and expertise on your behalf. You deserve more than legal counsel. You deserve an advocate who's willing to fight by your side ... someone who understands your hardship and who will keep fighting for the compensation your case merits.