About Us

  • We Specialize in Free Prescription Delivery.

    Hills Family Drug treats each customer as an individual;customers and staff are known by name enjoying a personal friendship with each other. At the big chains, customers are just customers and the staff doesn't know each customer by name or anything about them.

    At Hills, we are serving original customers, their children, their grandchildren, and we are proud of these extended family relationships.

    Changing pharmacies requires a simple phone call - we will do the rest. Your co-pay will always be the same at Hills as it is at your current pharmacy.

    Hills Family Drug offers Free Delivery! Too busy? No driver? Housebound? No worries with our fast free delivery services direct to your home. We will deliver your prescriptions and any medically related equipment or other items you may need from our medical inventory.

    We are a Medicare Accredited Pharmacy and bill Medicare electronically for diabetic supplies, durable medical equipment and ostomy products.

    We deliver OTC products, incontinence products, various foods, etc. with a prescription.

    Free Delivery - Relax and enjoy service - the old-time way!

    Hills Family Drug accepts all major insurance cards including the New Medicare Part D Plans. We offer 10% prescription discounts for our senior citizen cash clients.

    We also provides an old-time service called house charging which allows a customer to put all their medication on charge and get one, convenient monthly bill. Hills Family Drug knows times are tough and sometimes customers need to catch a break!

    House Charge - Another old-time service from Hills Family Drug!