
  • Commercial Sales & Rentals
  • Foreclosures
  • Investment Properties
  • New Home Sales
  • Property Management Services
  • Rental Properties
  • Residential Sales & Rentals

About Us

  • Our brokerage specializes in the listing, marketing, sales and leasing of both commercial and residential properties. If you are a realty owner, HMGR will provide you with market analysis data, advice to make the most out of your property, solutions and know-how on anything that stands on your way to liquefy and a vast, highly reliable deposit of buyers and tenants. If you are looking to buy, either for yourself or as an investor or developer, we will take all the time needed to meet your expectations, interviewing you carefully, advising and providing you with numerous options. We will help you out with bureaucracy and advice you on financing. If you are looking for a lease, count on us. We will find you the perfect place, will take care of the prerequisites and negotiation. The single thing we can't do for you is move in!