About Us

  • About Us Harder, Wells, Baron & Manning, PC is a debt relief agency and law firm helping people file for bankruptcy under the Bankruptcy Code in Albany, OR and surrounding communities. Regain control of your assets, stop garnishments and foreclosures. If your financial situation has resulted in more debt than you can pay, you have options, and we can help determine the best steps to help you get back on the right track.

    Our services include:

  • Bankruptcy
  • Stopping foreclosures
  • Ending wage garnishments
  • Workers' compensation claims
  • Creditor harassment
  • Social Security disability benefits
  • SSI appeals

    If you are unable to work because of illness or injury, you may qualify for Social Security disability or SSI benefits. We offer our clients over 23 years of experience and can help with workers' comp, on the job injuries, or non-work related accidents and disabilities. We are here when you need straight answers and professional representation.

    Call Harder, Wells, Baron & Manning, PC today for your free initial consultation.