Experience & Reliability

  • In Business Since: 2011


  • Classes
  • Clays


  • Accepts Credit Cards: Yes
  • Credit Cards Accepted:
  • Personal Checks

About Us

  • Half Moon Pottery and Ceramics is a Pottery and Ceramic instructor located in West Columbia, SC, providing Ceramic and Pottery Classes for Olympia, West Columbia, Eau Claire, Bayview, Forest Acres, Kathwood, Dixiana, Cayce, Ridgewood, Fairfield Terrace, Stark Terrace, Hollywood Hills, Haskell Heights and the surrounding areas of Lexington County. Established in 2011, we provide Ceramic Classes for Adults and Kids. We specialize in Vintage Style Ceramics, including Wheel Throwing and Kick Wheel Pottery. We provide Couples Nights and Kids Activities, or you can purchase courses for both adults and kids pottery. We have Pic n' Paint nights, and we can educate you on Face Jugs and proper technique for Throwing on a Wheel. If you have wanted to get into Ceramic Art, now is the time! Call Half Moon Pottery and Ceramics or visit our website to visit us online!