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  • Categories: Videographers

About Us

  • Check us out first via our over 250 videos GShotsTV on YouTUBE. Just click on any one of the many GShotsTV Playlists that we have been making since 2008 and these represent only a portion of our GShotsTV videos which have been publicly posted, many more a private, in-house and for corporate use only. Please click on one or more of our many playlists, sit back, watch, enjoy and feel the emotions our videos convey. With GShotsTV it's better than TV because it GShotsTV made with compassion, understanding and emotive passion designed to make the view not just watch, but to feel the passion which our synchronized words, music and imagery convey. Now in addition to our primary California facility located in San Bruno near San Francisco's International Airport, our coastal setting in Sharp Park in Central Pacifica, and our rustic Lake County facility near Lake ravaged fire zones, we have related our primary production to D.C. DMV with an upscale production facility at 2121 North Westmoreland Street, at the beautiful Century Falls Church, in Arlington, Virginia 22213. e-mail is still, and you call still reach and follow GShotsTV via Twiter and Facebook. We don't have time for lengthy phone calls so it is best to text SMS 650.219.8188 or via Facebook Chat which can even handle large files and video.
    See you on TV -- GShotsTV !! :)