About Us

  • Grove City Urology offers Urological services to Grove City and the surrounding areas.

    Urology services are provided by these urologists:

    Dr. Kenneth Hu
    Dr. John C. Lyne
    Dr. Carlos Vivas

    Consult with these physicians for the following urological conditions:

    - Adrenal problems
    - Peyronie's disease
    - Cancers of the kidney or bladder
    - Polycystic kidney disease
    - Cancers of the urethra and penis
    - Prostate cancer
    - Certain infertility issues Prostatitis
    - Elevated PSA
    - Renal masses
    - Erectile dysfunction/impotence
    - Reversal of vasectomy
    - Interest in sterilization via vasectomy
    - Scrotal/testicular masses (varicocele, spermatocele, hydrocele, etc.)
    - Interstitial cystitis
    - Testicular cancer
    - Kidney stones
    - Urethral stricture
    - Neurogenic bladder (including management of spina-bifida patients)
    - Obstructive uropathy (UPJ obstruction/hydronephrosis)
    - Urinary retention
    - Overactive bladder Urinary tract infections