About Us

  • Greenwood Metropolitan District ("GMD"), located in Greenwood, SC protects public health and the environment. GMD provides state of the art wastewater collection, transportation and treatment services in the most cost effective manner for every customer. GMD is a vital part of the community's public health system. To actively recover all resources from the wastewater cleaning process and make usable products from the recovered resources.

    "The Greenwood Metropolitan District has a long, proud tradition of providing excellent service to our rate payers. Together, we are realizing advances in engineering, maintenance, treatment plant, operations, science and technology which will help us meet the challenges and realize the dreams of the 21st century to make Greenwood Metropolitan District a world class utility through excellent service to our customers and a meaningful, valued place to work for our co-workers. We will be an important part of making Greenwood "the best place to live, work, grow and raise a family" in our region."
    ~ George Martin, General Manager

    Our Services -
  • Compliance with regulatory requirements
  • Protecting public health
  • A cleaner environment
  • Operation and maintenance of 387-mile sewer system, 8,500 manholes, 32 pump stations and 2 treatment facilities
  • Emergency response 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
  • Treatment and conversion of wastewater to clean water or biosolids for return to the environment
  • Installation, rehabilitation and maintenance of sewer pipes
  • Preservation of our water resources for future generations
  • Sewer system Expansion