Additional Information

  • Categories: Chiropractors, Medical Spas, Acupuncture, Alternative Medicine, General Medicine, Physical Therapists, Gastroenterologists, Oncologists, Surgeons, Internal Medicine
  • Services: Heavy Metal Toxicity, Massage Therapy, Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement, Integrative Oncology, Acupuncture, Intravenous Vitamin C, Japanese Acupuncture, Annual Exams, Medical Marijuana Certification, Natural Health Dispensary, Nutritional IV Therapies, Chiropractic Care, Ozone Therapy, Classes, Pediatric Medicine, Colon Hydrotherapy, Family Medicine, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Homeopathic Medicine, Infertility, Whole Body Hyperthermia, Infrared Sauna, Women's Health, Chinese Herbal Medicine
  • Specialties: Acupuncture & Chinese Medicine, Bioidentical Hormone Specialist, Chiropractic Medicine, Colon Hydroptherapy, Doctor of Chiropractic, Family Care, Licensed Acupuncturist, Licensed Massage Therapist, Medical Doctor, Naturopathic Oncologist, Naturopathic Physician, Yoga Instructor

About Us

  • Led by Michael Uzick, NMD, FABNO, Genesis Natural Medicine Center is a premier, holistic family medicine practice located in Tucson, Arizona. The team of expert physicians uses safe and effective complementary medicine treatments for disease prevention, pain relief, and wellness. They offer nutritional, botanical, and homeopathic remedies in addition to conventional treatments. Genesis Natural Medicine Center is warm and genuine, as the staff treats patients like family. They use physician-grade supplements to prevent and better manage chronic diseases. Patients suffering from infertility, obesity, diabetes, arthritis, injuries, high blood pressure, and other diseases can turn to the expert team at Genesis Natural Medicine Center for premium care. They offer annual exams for men, women, and children of all ages. Japanese acupuncture, bioidentical hormone replacement therapy, chiropractic care, Chinese herbal medicine, colon hydrotherapy, infrared sauna use, intravenous vitamin C, and other nutritional IV therapies are some of the holistic services Genesis Natural Medicine Center physicians offer. They use massage therapy, medical marijuana, ozone therapy, whole-body hyperthermia, and more to keep patients healthy and relieve pain so they can avoid addictive prescription medications and invasive treatments. Integrative medicine physicians also offer classes to educate patients about alternative, homeopathic remedies. The Genesis Natural Medicine Center team is currently accepting new patients and welcomes them to the practice.