About Us

  • From our offices, we're an integral part of seven communities. Through our clients, we're a part of many, many more.

    Since being founded in Helena in 1919, our Firm has come a long way. Currently, we're the largest, privately owned accounting firm in northern Idaho and Montana. We have six full-service offices located in Montana's population centers, a full-service office in Idaho Falls, multiple day offices strategically located throughout Montana, and two specialized offices.

    Not surprisingly, our clients, both business and personal, come from every corner of the region and all walks of life. They cover the full range of the Mountain West. And we do, too.

    The bond between a business owner and his or her accountant is made of trust and belief and the variety of services we offer at Galusha, Higgins & Galusha.

    And we never forget that. After all, you're opening your books to another person, letting him or her in on the financial health of your business. Your accountant will know when your business is doing well and when it isn't. He or she will share in your victories and your defeats. You'll tell your accountant things no one else will hear.

    So, in addition to the list of services at left and an extensive knowledge of accounting practices, here are some other things you can expect from any of our CPAs - honesty, accuracy, impartiality, confidence, and a willingness to listen.

    Because more than any single service, we know the most important thing between a CPA and a business person is trust.

    The cornerstones of personal financial health are:
    1. Having goals
    2. Having a plan
    3. Having a trusted advisor

    At Galusha, Higgins & Galusha, we start with the trusted advisor. Clients are paired with a CPA who specializes in their areas of need. What's more, we encourage clients to talk to several CPAs within our offices to find the right fit.

    Once the first cornerstone is set, you'll discuss goals and develop a plan that may be as simple as tax planning. Or may include estate planning, saving for a child's education, or for a comfortable retirement.

    The point is, you'll work toward goals using the services and advice of an individual you'll come to trust.

    Galusha, Higgins & Galusha is the largest privately held accounting firm in Montana and northern Idaho. Along with our customers, these are the people who've made that possible.
    When GH&G opened its doors more than 80 years ago, the emphasis was on people. After all, clients aren't trusting their financial health and businesses to a corporation, they're trusting them to people.

    At GH&G, we recruit, hire, and keep the top talent in the profession. From our shareholders to our administrative professional staff, we stress excellence and service in every discipline, every area of specialty. It's how we've grown to where we are today.