About Us

  • Galloway Company was started in 1947 by James W. Galloway in Baker, Oregon after his completion of duties in the Pacific Islands during the war.
    The Gallo-way" Company offers the best quality and most modern services for parking lot maintenance. We use shovels, brooms and pack blowers to clear off all entry and sidewalk areas into the main parking lot. Then a 1ton GMC recirculating air vacuum street sweeper is used to remove all of the debris from the entire area.
    The Gallo-way" Company snowplowing has been providing snow removal and sanding services for the Spokane area for decades. Galloway Company has hundreds of regular customers, including all four of the major hospitals in spokane, from the Idaho state line to Airway Heights and from Deer Park to the Moran Prairie. We have dozens of available trucks to provide the dependable emergency service.