Additional Information

  • Categories: Skin Care, Hospitals & Medical Centers, Hair Restoration & Treatment, Alternative Medicine, General Medicine, Weight Loss & Nutrition, Sports Medicine
  • Services: Arthritis, Acupuncture, PRP Injections, IV Therapy, Anti-Aging, Functional Medicine, Hair Loss, Nutrition, Skin Rejuvenation, Sports Medicine, Hormones, Brain Health, PRP Aesthetics, Ultrasound Imaging
  • Specialties: Aesthetic Specialist, Aesthetics, Aesthetics Specialist, Functional Medicine Specialist, Orthopaedics & Sports Medicine, Regenerative Medicine, Regenerative Medicine Specialist, Sports Medicine Physician, Weight Management Physician

About Us

  • The naturopathic physicians at FoRM Health PDX in Portland, Oregon, believe that everyone wants to look, move, and feel their best. They use regenerative, functional medicine procedures to address fundamental health issues that block wellness so their patients can thrive in all stages of life. FoRM Health (Functional and Regenerative Medicine) was born when Ryan Minarik, ND, LAc, and Kai Herman, ND, realized that they shared a fascination with the treatments supporting regeneration of cells and tissue that patients could undergo to regain optimal form and function. Dr. Minarik focused on sports injuries and chronic pain, while Dr. Herman specialized in aesthetic and anti-aging treatments. Today, Dr. Minarik focuses on orthopedics and Dr. Herman focuses on aesthetic procedures, but both share a belief in harnessing the body’s innate ability to heal through aspects such as nutrition, hormones, exercise, bodywork, and lifestyle adjustments. The team at FoRM uses science-based therapies but also stays at the forefront of emerging regenerative therapies such as platelet-rich plasma (PRP) that help encourage the body to age well from the inside out. FoRM currently operates out of Elixia Wellness Group, which provides reception and billing services, in the heart of Sellwood conveniently located at the corner of SE 13th Avenue and Tacoma Street. Within Elixia, they have dedicated space including an IV suite, injection therapy room with ultrasound for imaging, acupuncture treatment rooms, and an aesthetic room with an Elos™ laser. Schedule a visit online or by phone today to learn how the holistic, functional approach at FoRM Health PDX can help you feel and look your best at any age. Schedule a visit online or by phone today to learn how the holistic, functional approach at FoRM Health PDX can help you feel and look your best at any age.