Additional Information

  • Brands: INVOcell
  • Categories: Infertility, Gynecologists & Obstetricians, Surgeons
  • Languages: English
  • Payment Options: Cash, Check, MasterCard, Visa
  • Products: N/A
  • Services: Acupuncture, Artificial Insemination (IUI), Diagnostic bloodwork, hormonal monitoring, Diagnostic hysteroscopy, Diagnostic laparoscopy, D&C, Ectopic surgery, Endometrial biopsy, Endometriosis, Hysterosalpingogram (HSG), In Vitro Fertilization (IVF), Injection teaching, Invocell, Laparotomy, Laser surgery, microsurgery, Micro-Tubal Reversal, Myomectomy, Ovulation induction, Post-coital testing, Premature menopause, Recurrent pregnancy loss, Removal of adhesions, Reproductive and endocrine disorders, Semen analysis, critical morphology, Sperm washing, gradient washing, Ultrasonography
  • Year Established: 1994

About Us

  • Fertility Wellness Institute, located in West Chester, Ohio, serves Cincinnati, and the surrounding tri-state areas. With over 32 years of experience, Dr. Chin stands as one of America’s leading pregnancy doctors in fertility wellness, helping support over 9,000 families conceive and grow their family. As the founder of the Fertility Wellness Institute, Dr. Chin assesses your infertility struggle to find a solution that meets your need. We offer a wide array of fertility solutions, such as INVOcell, Artificial Insemination, IVF, as well as other cost-efficient solutions. We are the first fertility clinic in Ohio to offer INVOcell, which is a safe and cost-efficient fertility solution for women. Call us today to schedule your appointment!