Additional Information

  • Categories: ENT Doctors, Audiologists
  • Languages: English
  • Services: Sinus Disease Including Sinus Surgery, Diminished Sense of Smell, Neck Masses, Thyroid, Salivary Glands, Thyroid Surgery, Head and Neck Cancer Surgery, Oral and Throat Cancer Surgery, Hoarseness, Tonsillectomy, Perforated Eardrum, Ear Tubes, Ear Noise (Tinnitus), Mastoid Surgery, Dizziness, Snoring, Sleep Apnea, General Ear Disease, Nose Disease, Throat Diseases, Ear Infections, Throat Complaints, Mouth Lesions, Cholesteatoma, Earache, Otitis Media, Ears and Altitude, Ear Wax, Meniere's Disease, Balloon Sinuplasty, Nasal Valve Reconstruction, Nasal Surgery, Rhinoplasty, Ear Surgery, Facial Paralysis, Facial Skin Cancer, Nasal Reconstruction

About Us

  • We treat disorders of the ear, nose and throat including nasal allergy and sinus infections, hearing and balance disorders, ear noise (tinnitus) and earaches, and snoring or sleep apnea. Our website is a resource for patients. The Patient Education section features information from the American Academy of Otolaryngology on a variety of topics including Allergy Services and Audiology. We spotlight sublingual immunotherapy (allergy drops), and subcutaneous immunotherapy (allergy shots), hearing aids, and tinnitus (ear noise).