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  • Categories: Legal Services, Check Cashing & Pay-Day Loans, Notaries Public, Bail Bonds

About Us

  • Were You or Someone You Care About Arrested? What Can You Do Now? Call Enriquez Bail Bonds at 866-330-6616 Immediately! We'll Help Get You Through This...! If you need help, our professionally trained staff can help make the release from custody a quicker, easier process. Enriquez Bail Bonds will consult with you and find the right solution for you and your family - most of the time for the lowest cost available! We can also help with financing if it becomes necessary. It may take months for your case to be heard in the court system. Don't waste precious time! When you post bail through Enriquez Bail Bonds, you will be free to get on with your life. About Us For over 48 years, Enriquez Bail Bonds has served the West Covina, California area with a commitment to service and value. Since 1961, Enriquez Bail Bonds has been providing personalized service and affordable rates to our clients. We listen to you and we can offer experienced advice to make this troubling time as stress-free as possible for the lowest possible rate, and make sure all of the bases are covered. If you have any questions or comments, please contact us. We are here for you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Don't delay; let us help you out as soon as possible