Additional Information

  • Associations: Advanced Level Esoteric Acupuncture Training , Advanced Level Hawaiian Huna Shaman Training, Arcturian Light Healing Techniques, Certified Practitioner and Instructor of New Paradigm, Masters Degree in Traditional Oriental Medicine for Acupuncture and Herbal Medicine
  • Categories: Alternative Medicine, Acupuncture, Mediation Services
  • Payment Options: American Express, Cash, Check, Discover, MasterCard, Visa
  • Services: Acupuncturist, Energy Healings, Guided Meditation, Healing Art, Herbal Medicines, Holistic Medicines, Spiritual Readings, Spiritual Workshops
  • Specialties: Akashic Records Reading, Arcturian Work, Distance Sessions, Hawaiian Shaman Works, Holistic Medicine Mentor, Japanese Meridian Acupuncture, Life Coaching, Transformation Workshops
  • Year Established: 2012

About Us

  • I work from a place of both extensive training and deep personal experience, which allows me to treat you with humility, grace and wisdom. Distance sessions with me include discussion of any current life situations, then a portion of energy work, and spiritual guidance to help you grow on your soul’s path. Sessions in-person with me may include acupuncture and herbal medicine. After sessions, the most common feedback is a feeling of empowerment, feeling lighter, freer and expanded in energy and awareness. Workshops with me are designed to lift you into your next level of expansion and awareness with grace and joy. My New Paradigm Multi-Dimensional Transformation workshops teach you to live a life of freedom from fear, to live in love without conditions and mastery. They teach you to work with the energies of Shamballa and the Ascended Masters, and with the energy of Mahatma pure divine Love and the Cosmic Heart.