About Us

  • Duncan, Oklahoma - where businesses thrive, innovation flourishes and generation after generation enjoys the best quality of life. In 1993, the citizens and businesses of Duncan created the Duncan Area Economic Development Foundation (DAEDF) to promote the development of existing businesses, attract new businesses, and diversify Duncan's economic base. DAEDF has been remarkably successful in a short period of time. With a staff less than half the size of most comparable economic development foundations, DAEDF has become a model that others are trying to emulate. By simultaneously building up the local infrastructure (supporting expansions in construction, schools, hospitals, museums, and civic facilities), establishing relationships throughout the community and state, and ensuring that there is a well-trained and vital workforce, DAEDF created an attractive business climate. DAEDF has been able to attract businesses that provide competitive wages and make capital investments in the community, which means they are more likely to remain in the area as long-term employers. DAEDF is a non-profit organization that accepts donations from private sector membership, public sector funding through the sales tax, and income from foundation investments such as notes receivables, leases, and interest from revolving loan programs. The citizens of Duncan approved a five-year 0.5-cent sales tax in 1994, 1998, 2003 and 2008 to fund DAEDF activities.

Additional Information

  • Categories: Management Consulting Services
  • Products: Property Tax Abaitment, Work Force Training, Build A Suit Facilities, Former Indian Land, HUB Zone, Finance packaging for industry, Job Creation Incentives, New Market Tax Credit, Federal Opportunity Zone, Incubator, Area manufacturer’s information, Industrial park land development assistance, Recruitment / Marketing packaging, Grant funds administration, Enterprise zone establishment, Business & Industry Surveys, Labor availability studies, Industrial building development assistance, Assembly of site and building inventory info
  • Associations: Oklahoma Professional Economic Development Council, Southern Economic Development Council, International Economic Development Council, National Defense Industrial Association, Dream It, Do It - National Association Manufacturers