About Us

  • Well Drilling - Building a new home? Building a new community development? Need water? Novotny's can do it for you. We can help you through all the necessary permits, procedures and possible questions that come with new well construction.

    Water Pump Installation and Repair - Going hand-in-hand with new well construction is new pump installation. Duckworth Pump and Well Drilling can handle any application. Tell us what you need out of a pump application and we can build a system that covers the whole gamut: submersible pumps, boosters, and the newer variable speed systems. Unfortunately, pumps need repair and we can handle that, too. Novotny's has become well known for their prompt service and expert know how.

    Whole House Filters - A simple solution. This is a cartridge unit that filters all water that enters the system. Filters can take out sediment and reduce other mineral properties such as iron and manganese. Whole house filters can also aid in reducing odor problems by use of a carbon filter.

    Softeners - We recommend and stand behind the Wood Brothers line of softening equipment. The units we install are built to last in even the harshest water environments. They provide you with a continuous supply of soft water while reducing scale buildup and extending the life of all your appliances that use water. The Wood Brothers softener is also capable of taking out small amounts of soluble minerals such as: iron and manganese. Furthermore, skin and hair never feel as healthy as they do with soft water; soap rinses away more easily.

    Iron and Sulfur - These are two common problems facing water well users that can make well water use frustrating and aesthetically unpleasant. Novotny's can handle both with a number of solutions ranging from filters and dual tank softening units to full water aeration systems.

    On-Site Testing - Novotny's has the ability to complete a range tests on your water while on-site. And when further testing is necessary we can collect samples to be analyzed in a certified water lab.

    If your well water, or otherwise, is unsuitable to your expectations please give us a call.