About Us

  • The DryBuddy bed wetting alarm system originated with a father whose child suffered from primary nocturnal enuresis (bedwetting) for several years. He was dissatisfied with all of the bedwetting alarms on the market, and with much thought and experience made a detailed list of all the desirable properties and features that an ideal enuresis alarm system should have. We have incorporated all of his ideas, with improvements, into the DryBuddy system. Other users and professionals have also influenced the DryBuddy wireless bedwetting alarm system. We continue to innovate, using our technological, practical, and design knowledge and abilities, and those of other professionals and customers, to bring the best new products to market at the lowest possible price. All DryBuddy branded bedwetting and enuresis alarm systems are FDA Registered, and have certifications necessary for legal use in countries where we offer them for sale. We are located in Savannah, Georgia, USA which is where we design, support, and ship the DryBuddy systems.