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About Us

  • Corrective Chiropractic (Dr. C. Bryan Strother) has been located in New Buffalo, Michigan since June of 1999. Dr. Strother graduated from Logan College of Chiropractic in 1997, earning the Clinical Excellence Award for his graduating class. Nearly 20 years in practice has allowed a complete system of NeuroStructural correction to be established-- this level of experience gives you a confident Doctor of Chiropractic that understands your unique situation.

    His practice has always been focused on the the long-term health of his patients. Dr. Strother has found that when crisis strikes and a patient is suffering with pain, the focus understandably becomes a short-term goal of pain relief. The reality for the majority of patients is that their chronic issues (known/unknown) have brought them to this point of crisis. Patients presenting with trauma need to see past the short-term symptom relief to make sure they get a long-term correction. This view has helped Dr. Strother develop a system of analysis and treatment to assist patients in achieving that state of improvement.

    Our lives should be focused on our families, friends, and being an actively engaged person; being a patient shouldn't consume our lives. Part of Dr. Strother's system is to find NeuroStructural shifts that are causing blocks to healing. Once achieved, he and his staff work to make sure treatment strategies are efficient and effective.

    Dr. Strother's system is not stale and static; he is continually looking for the latest scientific tools to help patients in a variety of health challenges.

    The Corrective Chiropractic team has a mission to make each visit enjoyable and efficient. As much as we love to see you and hope you love seeing us, we know you want to spend the least amount of time in the office while gaining the most benefit. Our team will work closely with you on setting an appointment schedule that will meet your individual needs.