About Us

  • Cord for Life® is Lifeforce Cryobanks’ Cord Blood Storage Program. Our purpose is to provide the expectant mothers with the information necessary to discover the lifesaving potential of umbilical cord blood. When you select Cord for Life® as your cord blood bank solution, you can be assured that our single mission is to help patients receive lifesaving transplants, whether you select private cord blood banking for your child’s possible future medical needs or donate your cord blood for unrelated patients; you have selected a trusted leader within the industry. Currently cord blood cells are routinely used to treat over 75 diseases. Click here to see a list of Current Indications For A Cord Blood Transplant. In addition, cord blood stem cells are being researched for use in regenerative medicine and other illnesses. The regenerative medicine studies focus on using the body’s own stem cells to cure failing, impaired or injured tissues. This revolutionary approach to medicine has the potential to develop therapies for previously untreatable conditions such as cerebral palsy, brain damage and spinal cord injuries. Current disease studies include Type-1 diabetes, heart disease and many others. Click here for more details on Stem Cell Studies.