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  • Categories: Online Education, Martial Arts Schools, Self Defense Equipment, Lessons & Instructors (Sports/Active)

About Us

  • You work hard to provide for your family. You want your children to have the kind of life you wish you had, and you know with every essence of your being that you would do anything it takes to protect them. But how can you possibly hope to protect yourself — and your family — in today’s ever increasingly dangerous world? Thousands of murders, rapes, and assaults are committed every year, not even counting major events like school shootings or terrorist activities like 9/11. In fact, according to the National Center for Victims and Crime, an assault occurs every seven seconds and a violent crime every six seconds in the U.S. And with our police, federal agents, and military left underfunded, understaffed, and unappreciated by Washington politics, it’s up to the law abiding, average citizen to prepare ourselves properly to protect our families and our freedom. Many people turn to martial arts or even purchasing a firearm. Neither are “wrong” solutions, but both take hundreds (if not thousands) of dollars and years of practice to achieve competency. Moreover, FBI reports show that in moments of life-threatening panic, accurately firing a gun or neutralizing an attacker through intricate martial arts technique is almost a physical impossibility due to an over-accelerated heart rate, vasoconstriction, and clouded “tunnel-vision”. Many veteran military and police officers liken this natural “combat freezing” to the common nighttime dream of fighting back against an unstoppable attacker. Where no matter how hard you hit, punch, claw, or retaliate, you just cannot seem to escape or surmount the situation. Luckily, there is one proven answer… Since World War II, there has been a secret, easy to use, easy to remember, and unbeatable method of personal protection called “Close Combat Training“. Stripping away all the ceremony and complex movements of traditional martial arts and self defense, Close Combat Training was initially developed by British Commandos in the 1920’s to retake the streets of criminally-controlled Shanghai. It was later used, with a perfect service record, to battle the greatest threat the world has ever seen, the Nazis. What makes Close Combat Training so effective is its primary use of gross-motor (large muscle-group) movements to deliver “one-strike” knockouts, bone-breaks, or even barehanded kills against any attacker. This can be accomplished regardless of your age, strength, or physical abilities. Obviously, this type of powerful training has been revered and protected accordingly, as the Close Combat Training methodology has been passed down generation by generation to only those most responsible and deserving. Its current champion and undisputed world leader in self defense, Captain Chris, is a former Special Forces instructor and professional educator who has committed himself and his Close Combat Company to teaching people across the country how to use these same simple, gross-motor movements to defend themselves and their families in the event of an attack. “The fact that this system allows you to instantly react to a situation, just like a natural reflex, is absolutely the best thing about it,” says Brandon Spears of New Mexico, who has learned the Close Combat Training method. “It is a great feeling to know that I can truly defend and carry myself with confidence wherever I go.” Check out Captain Chris’ Close Combat Training for easy-to-use techniques to protect yourself and your loved ones.