Additional Information

  • Categories: Doctors, Weight Loss & Nutrition

About Us

  • This clinic has closed. Clark Clinic Transformations is a medically-supervised clinic that offers non-surgical weight management options and aesthetic services for women and men. We realize that each person has their own goals, so we create personalized treatment plans that are tailored to your lifestyle, preferences, and desired outcomes. We also strive to ensure that each patient feels informed and relaxed about all decisions regarding their care. Our services include: Weight loss program – a customized 26 or 43 day program that includes prescription hormone injections Botox – injections to help reduce facial wrinkles Radio frequency & ultrasound energy – aids skin toning, facial rejuvenation and body shaping Vitamin injections – may help with energy and could improve memory/brain function as well as aid in prevention of excess fat build-up in liver and body