Additional Information

  • Categories: Pain Management, Chiropractors, Hospitals & Medical Centers, Physical Therapists
  • Services: Disc Herniation Treatment, Chiropractic Traction Therapy, Chiropractic Treatment for Injuries, Chiropractors, Emergency Chiropractic Care, Holistic Chiropractic Care, Homeopathic Medicine, Pediatric Chiropractic, Auto Accidents, Personal Injury, Acupressure, Massage Therapy, Pain Management, Physical Therapy
  • Specialties: Neck pain-muscle/disc/nerve, back pain-upper/lower and disc, headaches-tension, sinus, migraine, sciatica-pain, numb, weak in leg/feet, neuralgia-pain, numbness, weakness

About Us

  • Welcome to Chiro Active Therapy!Our mission is to educate people in the principles of muscle therapy and the effects it has on body mechanics. To understand the resultant nerve irritation, weakness, and joint damage. To offer a tangible and realistic solution.Got Disc Problems? - Get on our disc rebuilding program and you will feel your pain, numbness, and weakness go away. Visit our clinic and we will show you a plan that is doable, reliable, and affordable.We provide quality healthcare for the management of neuromusculoskeletal conditions. This includes many pain syndromes such as headaches, neck pains, and back pains.Many conditions of the spine also cause pain, tingling, numbness, and weakness at other places in the body. We are experts at locating the root cause of so many these problems.We are looking forward to hearing from you