Experience & Reliability

  • In Business Since: 2009
  • Years of Experience: 18
  • References Available
  • Family Owned & Operated


  • PayPal
  • Personal Checks

About Us

  • Services: Google Adwords Campaigns (Search, Display Network, Google Merchant and Youtube) Youtube In-Stream and In-Search Advertising Social Media Advertising A/B Testing SEO Google Analytics Email Autoresponder Landing pages Direct Response Copywriting White paper Squeeze pages Keyword and Market Analysis Wordpress Ecommerce Small business, professional services, manufacturing, retail, new product launches, blog based selling, Consultation services and data-driven analysis for real estate ventures related to development, primary residence or investor focused projects, rentals, condominium unit sales, closings, mortgage brokerages and web-based real estate businesses on both a flat fee and performance based compensation. Federal / state white collar mortgage fraud defense consulting services for defense attorneys, real estate attorneys, real estate professionals and former lender employees. SEO reputation management services for criminal defendants at all stages of the legal process including, indicted, plead guilty, plead not guilty, convicted, found not guilty, innocent, sentenced, prison, probation, community service, victims, restitution.