
  • Call & Speak Directly To An Attorney
  • Home & Hospital Visits
  • All Calls Answered 24/7
  • Evening & Weekend Appointments

Experience & Reliability

  • Graduate of UC Berkeley
  • As Seen On TV
  • Board Certified
  • Member of the American Bar Association

Fee Arrangements

  • Negotiated Contingency Fees
  • No Fees Unless I Win Your Injury Case
  • Payment Plans Available
  • Accepts Credit Cards: Yes
  • Visa
  • MasterCard
  • Personal Checks
  • American Express
  • Discover
  • Flat Fee Retainers
  • Free Initial Consultation

Car Accidents

  • Auto Accident
  • Motorcycle Accident
  • Public Transportation Accident
  • Truck Accident

State Licensing

Languages Spoken

  • French
  • Hebrew
  • Persian
  • Spanish

About Us

  • About Us We are an established, experienced law firm able to fulfill your various legal needs with an aggressive and persuasive style. We have passion and compassion for our clients, their cases and are cognizant of the collateral damage that legal battles can have on your personal and professional life.We are sincerely interested in assisting you and your family through the horrors that arise from a DUI/CRIMINAL case or an injury due to an ACCIDENT. Generally speaking, we take on select cases pertaining to the areas of Criminal Defense, Personal Injury, Family Law and Unlawful Detainer. You never know when you will need our services, as all four of the below hypotheticals depict. Situation 1: You plan a night out to celebrate your birthday; a fabulous dinner with your closest friends. You get to the restaurant, you innocently order a fun cocktail, have some delicious tray passed hors doeurves as you enjoy the live music. A short while later you’re having a lovely glass of fine wine, or two, with your meal. Later that night, you bid farewell to your friends and realize your designated driver is too drunk to drive. You volunteer to drive his car instead, calculating that you only had a few drinks and you feel fine. You and your ex-designated driver leave the restaurant. Unbeknownst to you, the local police have set up a DUI checkpoint on Sunset Blvd., on your way home. You feel confident, you don’t feel “buzzed” and go right through the checkpoint. Next thing you know, you’ve been stopped, questioned and are being arrested for driving under the influence (DUI). Situation 2: You are driving in bumper to bumper traffic on the 405 North Freeway. You are driving cautiously when traffic comes to a complete stop. You have your foot on the brake and a fair distance with the car in front of you. Unfortunately, the driver behind you is distracted on the phone and is checking text messages. He continues driving and collides with your car’s rear end at full speed. You momentarily release your foot off the brake and now you’ve rear-ended the car in front of you. You feel pain in your neck, shoulders and especially, your back. You quickly turn to make sure your children are okay and they are all crying hysterically. Your heart is racing, your head is pounding and other cars on the freeway are honking at you. What should you do? Who do you call? Save our contact info on your cell phone and promptly dial toll-free; 1-888-704-9777. We are available 24 hours, 7 days a week to assist you in your moment of distress. Remember: Good attorneys know the legal system; great attorneys know the people in the legal system. With over 17 years of experience, we are highly familiar with the prosecutors, judges and police personnel in the Los Angeles, Orange County, Ventura and San Bernardino Courthouses. We bring your case to the attention of authorized supervisors who have the ability to make things happen. When we represent you, you won’t be just a case number, you’ll be an actual person. You may have made an isolated mistake or been hit by a distracted driver. You deserve to have your perspective presented by an attorney who cares and is willing to go the extra mile for you. We won’t rest until we attain the best possible disposition for you! Unlike many of the “mill” type law firms, we are particular about the types of clients and cases we accept. Thus, we are focused on the clients we do select and consider each one a priority, VIP client deserving of our time and dedication.