About Us

  • We are the world's most trusted seller of UPC barcodes. We are also the only seller of UPC barcodes other than GS1 whose barcodes will work for all aspects of Amazon.com. Simply order the quantity of UPC barcodes you need and they will be emailed to you instantly as high-resolution JPEG files. You can then place the barcodes into the artwork of your packaging or print them onto stickers. We have the lowest prices and you never have to pay any renewal fees or future fees of any kind. Please feel free to call us anytime at (888) 446-2633 or (310)927-1644. Our website is https://www.buyabarcode.com/

Additional Information

  • Categories: eCommerce, Business Organizations, Data Management Services, Sales, Marketing & PR, Writing & Publishing, Management Consulting Services, Web Design & Graphics
  • Payment Options: American Express, Android Pay, Apple Pay, Cash, Check, Diners Club, Discover, Financing, Invoice, MasterCard, Samsung Pay, Traveler's Check, Visa