Additional Information

  • Categories: Painters
  • Languages: English
  • Payment Options: American Express, Cash, Check, Discover, MasterCard, Visa
  • Services: Commercial Painting Services, Residential Painting Services, Cabinet Painting, Color Matching, Exterior Painting, Interior Painting, Priming, Sealing, Pressure Washing, Specialty Finishes, Trim & Baseboard Painting, Wallpaper Removal, Caulking, Mural Painting, Paint Removal, Plaster & Drywall Services, Staining & Varnishing, Ceiling & Wall Painting
  • Year Established: 2018

About Us

  • Here at Burke Painting we serve San Diego by taking pride in knowing our paints, primers, staines, equipment and preparation work required to complete the vision you desire. Whether a homeowner, commercial company owner, landlord, or property management team, our highly skilled team here at Burke Painting is prepared to serve you. We strive for excellence every time we paint a home, inside or out. A good paint job is a smart investment in your property. There's a lot more to a great paint job than just applying the architectural coating to the substrate. From choosing the right colors and brand of paint for your job, to the preparatory sanding and filling, to the actual painting and clean up, we provide value through our exceptional service. Our services include interior painting, exterior painting, and commercial paint service.