Additional Information

  • Categories: Hospitals & Medical Centers, Podiatrists, Ophthalmologists, Orthopedics, Pain Management, Plastic Surgeons, Urologists, ENT Doctors, Surgeons
  • Services: Bunionectomy, Ankle Arthoscropy, Ankle Fracture, Arthoplasty, Achilles Tendon Repair, Cataract Surgery, Knee Arthoscopy, Shoulder Arthoscopy, ACL Reconsctruction, Rotator Cuff Reconstruction, Bicepts Tendon Repair, Platelet Rich Plasma Injection, Hand Surgery, Carpal Tunnel Rlease, Trigger Fringer Release, Wrist Arthoscopy, Tonsillectomy, Adenoidectomy, Ear Tubes, Tongue Tie Reversal, Nasal Fracture, Rhinoplasty, Septoplasty, Sinus Surgery, Epidural Steroid Injection, Breast Reduction, Tummy Tuck, Liposcution, Bladder Tumors, Vasectomy, Lithotripsy, Prostate Cancer Treatment, Laparoscopic Hernias and Gallbladder surgery, Hemorrhoidectomy, Vein Stripping, Pacemaker Battery Changes

About Us

  • Bethesda Outpatient Surgery Center in Boynton Beach is a freestanding, outpatient surgical facility dedicated to a broad range of surgical procedures. Our surgeons specialize in general surgery, ophthalmology, orthopaedics, ENT, plastic surgery, podiatry and urology. We believe in compassionate medicine, where our focus is on each individual patient. Our experienced surgeons have dedicated themselves to caring for patients within the surrounding communities. When you walk through the door, you'll know you're in good hands.