About Us

  • The training studio is owned and operated by Eric Greenberg, MD, CPT a personal trainer certified by the American College of Sports Medicine. Dr. Greenbergs client gange from 14 to 87 years old and have a variety of health issues including arthritis, diabetes, dementia, coronary artery disease, arrhythmias, obesity, and a variety of injuries andn health conditions. Dr. Greenberg personally assesses all clients and conducts all training sessions. Training programs are based upon the client's goals, current level of fitness, experience, personal preference, medical or physical limitations, and time or financial restraints. Training programs run from functional training for elderly and weight loss to cardiovascular fitness to bodybuilding and strenght training for atheletes. We also offer complementary health coaching, review of laboratory and medical test results, review of medication lists, and informal, sound, and unbiassed, opinions and recomendations regarding healthcare.