About Us

  • Bayou LMS is a division of Uplift Properties. We've helped over 800 homeowners in St Louis are stop their foreclosure with the help of a short sale of their house or property. We would like to learn about your situation, and see if we can help you. All you need to do is give us a call at 314-403-7732, and we will set-up a time with you for a free consultation. Every day, we are working tirelessly to help our clients settle their accounts with their mortgage lenders and other lien holders such as HOA, IRS, and credit card debt. Our understanding of the intricacies of working with individual lenders benefits you. Countless times we have faced issues regarding postponements, excess junior lien holder demands, HOA liens, IRS liens, utility charges, and credit card judgments - and got them solved so that we could close on the transaction. All clients of Bayou LMS clients receive unlimited consultations at no charge. We have immediate access to attorneys and CPA. It is our mission to help you understand your options, implement the action plan, and help you get a fresh start.