About Us

  • We conduct the largest established monthly consignment auctions in the region, selling: Hay, Harvest, Support and all other types of farm equipment, tractors, wheel loaders, forklifts, skid steers, trenchers, semi & farm trucks, trailers, pickups, cars, campers boats, livestock equipment, lawn and garden equipment, ATV's golf carts, lumber, tools, shop equipment & more. We also conduct farm equipment auctions & collectable auctions, business liquidations and real estate auctions. Choose from the list below to view auction listings and pictures.

    Located East of Brush Colorado at the

    Junction of Hwy 34 and Hwy 71

    P.O. Box 543


    Summer hours will take effect beginning July 5th - August 27th

    Office & Lot Hours: Monday - Thursday 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM