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About Us

  • Dr. Merrill has wanted to be a chiropractor his entire life. There is nothing better for him then to help people get out of discomfort and become healthier. Dr. Merrill grew up in Canada graduating from high school in cardston, alberta. Following his graduation he moved to the yucatan peninsula in Mexico for 2 years where he learned many life skills and the enjoyment of helping other people. Upon his return from Mexico he attended Brigham Young University - Idaho for his under graduate training and continued on to palmer college of chiropractic in Davenport Iowa. When Dr. Merrill received his Doctor of Chiropractic Degree from palmer College of Chiropractic he moved himself and family to southfield, Michigan to associate at Dynamic Life Chiropractic after learning a lot about chiropractic he accepted another associate position in Archbold Ohio at the Archbold chiropractic center to continue his learning in chiropractic. Dr. Merrill is now pleased to be serving the people of Kingsport Tennessee and area in his own clinic, Archway Chiropractic Dr. Merrill has a wonderful and beautiful wife Molly, who is privileged to stay home with their 5 children whose names are Faith, Celeste, Scarlett, Ivy, and Weylin.