Additional Information

  • Categories: Family Doctors, Doctors

About Us

  • I grew up in a very rural area, and quality care wasn’t always a guarantee. I appreciated the providers who really took ownership of a community and cared for my family and friends. I knew I wanted to give back to a rural community in the same way. I chose Family Medicine mostly because I enjoy the variety of treating all stages of life, but also because I feel it is the area where I can make the most difference. Some days what is needed is an extensive treatment plan – other days, it may be mostly an ear open to listen. Whatever the problem, I try to approach it attentively and sensitively. I want my patients to know they can trust me with their worries, concerns and complaints. I treasure that, and in return do everything that I can to provide them with quality and competent care. I make sure to address each concern, to explain my reasoning or thought regarding treatment or non-treatment, and encourage input from my patients as far as what they would prefer. I reassure patients that together we will find a plan of care. Sometimes it means frequent follow-up visits, sometimes it means more research to make sure that the workup is appropriate, and sometimes it means that I must pass their care on to another specialty for a time.