Additional Information

  • Family Doctors, Addiction Treatment
  • English, French, Spanish
  • Acupuncture, Addiction Medicine, Adolescent Medicine, Adolescents (Teenagers), Adult Vaccinations, Annual Physical Exams, Atherosclerosis Prevention, Atherosclerosis, Botanical Medicine, Complementary & Alternative Medicine, Cancer, Cardiac Diseases, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Chronic Illness, Coronary Artery Disease Tests, Cyriax Orthopaedic Manipulation, Dermatology, Diabetes, Diabetic Foot Examination (NCQA recognized for diabetes care), Diabetes Mellitus, EKG, Family Counseling, Family Medicine, Flu Testing, General Medicine, Geriatric Care, Geriatric Medicine, High Blood Pressure, Heart Attack, Herbal, Home Visits (Established Patients), Hyperthyroidism, Hyperlipidemia, Hypertension (High Blood Pressure), Immigration Physicals, Integrative Medicine, Joint/Trigger Point Injections, Laceration Repair, MAT Treatment for Addiction, Medical Acupuncture, Medical Clearance Exams, Mind Body Medicine, Minor Office Procedures, Multiple Sclerosis, Nutrition, Nutritional Medicine, NYS Medical Marijuana Certification, Osteoporosis, Pain Management, Palliative Medicine, Pediatric Care, Prescribes Medical Marijuana for NYS Allowed Diagnoses, Prevention, Rapid Strep Testing, Same-Day Sick Visits, Skin Diseases, Skin Cancer, Skin Tag or Foreign Body Removal, Spirometry, Sports Medicine, Stress Management, Stress, Telehealth, Travel Medicine, Venipuncture In-House, Wellness and Prevention, Weight Control
  • Family Medicine

About Us

  • At our practice, we care about your health. Our friendly, experienced staff is ready to provide immediate attention to all your medical needs. Our physician is board certified, and equipped to deal with managing both common and complex illnesses.

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