Additional Information

  • Categories: Air Conditioning Contractors
  • Products: Distribution Valves, Headers and Lateral Lines, Risers & Stand Pipe, Spray Nozzles, Vibration Switches, Distribution Basins
  • Services: Cooling Power Construction
  • Specialties: Cooling Tower Parts, Cooling Towers
  • Year Established: 1987

About Us

  • Advance Cooling Towers is headquartered in Texas and is a full-service cooling tower manufacturing and retrofit construction company specializing in field erected, timber or fiberglass frame, stainless steel or galvanized, counter-flow and cross-flow water cooling towers. In addition to our custom engineered cooling towers and pre-coolers, we also service all leading brand cooling equipment and provide comprehensive inspections, upgrades, refurbishment, emergency repair and contract maintenance services to leading power generation, process and industrial plants as well as HVAC applications.