About Us

  • Acupuncture is an ancient Oriental Medicine technique, tracing its origins back several thousand years. Today, it is accepted by science as an effective treatment for many ailments, including pain disorders, mood disorders, autoimmune conditions, stress, insomnia and digestive imbalance. Acupuncture Associates of America is Albuquerque’s preeminent provider of acupuncture treatments. With three locations, we are able to serve patients throughout Albuquerque and Los Lunas. We accept most insurance and provide injection therapy and supplement consultations as well, which you won’t find at other acupuncture clinics. Established in 1982. One of the first acupuncture practices in Albuquerque, AAA has been going strong for over 35 years. Business Owner Dr. Tapia has been with AAA for over 14 years and bought the practice in 2005. She is state and nationally licensed in Acupuncture, Injections, and herbology. Acupuncture Associates of America Los Lunas 427 Main St SW Los Lunas, NM 87031 (505) 278-9123