About Us

  • Abbott Realty Ltd has been a cornerstone in Douglas for over 30 years. Craig Abbott, the acting Broker, graduated from the University of Arizona and taught school for seven years prior to opening its doors.

    During the 25 plus years in the business, Abbott Realty Ltd has been a proven leader in the industry specializing in commercial sales and residential properties.

    Successfully servicing both sides of the border, Abbott Realty Ltd. has proven its ability to overcome the cultural and legal differences that are commonplace for international transactions providing a safe venue for investors of all kinds.

    Abbott Realty Ltd. has a vested interest in its community. As a key player in bringing outside investment to Douglas and the surrounding areas, Abbott Realty Ltd. has come to be a synonym for creative thinking and has played an essential part in the development of various residential and commercial ventures.

    Abbott Realty Ltd, the right choice in Douglas for any of your residential, commercial property, acreage, ranches, business opportunity, or subdivision needs.

    Experience the difference with Abbott Realty Ltd.