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This is one of the best local resources I have ever used... It was so quick and easy for me to find a professional... I bookmarked the website. Very helpful... I don't know what I would do without you, eLocal! Your site rocks!

-Ken, Naperville IL.


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Common Dental Problems From Chipped Teeth to Cavities

When you think of the dentist, you probably think of cavities. But that's far from the only issue that could send you looking for a dentist. The most common issue is tooth pain which could be a sign of cavities or enamel loss, or a deeper issue with the root of your tooth. You may have excessive bleeding which could be a sign of an onset of gum disease. You may also need to seek out more involved procedures such as tooth removal, implants, root canals, or crowns. There's a lot that could be ailing your teeth and gums, luckily we can help you find a dentist to get to the bottom of it.

While virtually any dentist could give you a teeth cleaning, fill cavities, and handle x-rays, some dentists are specialists in specific aspects of oral hygiene and health. For starters, if you've got a younger patient you'll want to see a pedodontist, a pediatric dentist, who specializes in assessing the needs of children and young teens in regards to their oral health. Suspect you need a root canal? Then an endodontist is the dentist for you. They are highly trained in dental disease, the health of dental pulp, and the relationship between normal functioning teeth and underlying conditions. Been told you need braces? The orthodontist is the dentist for you, specializing in tooth alignment procedures. For gum issues, such as bleeding or gum loss, a periodontist is an expert in the diagnosing and treatment of periodontal diseases.

If you're new to an area, need to change dentists, or simply have never seen a dentist regularly until now, there's some things you want to keep in mind while perusing our catalog of dental professionals in your area. Start with credentials:


You need to make sure your dentist is board certified and confirm with your own research that your potential dentist has no history of malpractice claims or disciplinary actions from the board governing body. If you want to go a step further you can review your potential dentist's school and training requirements.


Note how long your dentist has been working. If you've got a specific need or concern, make sure your dentist has the necessary experience in that area. This could be further training outside the minimum required for their degree as well as years practicing in their specialty. Evaluate your dentist as a person. You are making a health decision and your dentist will be privy to your medical history and be on the receiving end of conversations about your personal health. So you want someone you can trust and feel comfortable with. This may mean talking to a few dentists until you find one that clicks with your needs and communication style.


Read the reviews. Always take a look at reviews for a potential service provider, especially someone in the health industry. You want to know you can trust this person, that they're timely in their communications, and that the administration of their service is robust. Go deep on this, don't just look at website testimonials, you need to trust your medical professionals.